Implementing AI in Manufacturing – Is it Worth it?

Undoubtedly, the growth and continual improvement of artificial intelligence (AI) has been revolutionary for the manufacturing industry. In addition to reducing expenses, AI has provided manufacturers with opportunities and information that would have been nearly impossible to receive prior to the invention. Forbes Insights recently published an article examining the advantages AI offers manufacturers today.

Microscopic Vision

Robot cameras have the ability to see details far beyond the human eye. The utilization of this type of intelligence will help manufacturers identify the tiniest of defects, immediately.

Generative Design

This process allows designers and engineers to input various criteria to determine all possible “permutations,” providing manufacturers with a variety of design alternatives. “With generative design, you can effectively rent 50,000 computers [in the cloud] for an hour,” says Brian Mathews, vice president of platform engineering at Autodesk in San Rafael, California. “That means you can do things you never could have done before: You can do 50,000 days of engineering in one day.”

Digital Twins

A “virtual model of a process, product or service,” a digital twin provides a manufacturer with virtual information on real-time issues or opportunities.

Predictive Maintenance

Machines equipped with sensors and advanced analytics are able to continuously provide updates on their condition, saving companies both time and money.

Manufacturers that do not implement artificial intelligence will likely begin to notice an increase in costs and delays. Read the entire article by visiting To determine if it would be beneficial to add AI to your manufacturing process, contact your De Boer, Baumann & Company advisor.